Accessibility Presentation Slides from Refresh DC Meetup

Thanks, again for all of you coming out to here a talk on Accessibility.

Here are the “Is Your Website Accessible” slides from my presentation on 2008/01/17.

I had a great time this evening doing this. It was worth all the late nights getting ready for the Refresh DC meet-up.

6 thoughts on “Accessibility Presentation Slides from Refresh DC Meetup

  1. Dude, you did a great job!!! I hope this will all help to keep the conversation going around Web accessibility and why it’s an essential aspect of the Web design/dev process.

  2. Thanks. Part of the reason I did the talk is that I’m passionate about web accessibility and web standards. The other is that I figured that someone had to do the talk and why not me.

    Making website accessible does not take that much more work once you know what is neeed to be done.

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